Healing costs
- Under level 50 - it’s a solid $100
- Level 50 to 99 - it’s $1000
- Level 100 and up - it’s a formula based on your health.
- Health Regenerates at 1 health point every 60 seconds, when active/playing.
- Health does not regenerate when you are offline/idle. It is when you log in or become active that maths gets done and says that in the period of time you were offline/idle, your stats would have regenerated to X.
Health Boosts
- Collecting one Health Boost will give the player a full refill plus 25%, or as added to full health it will add 25% giving a total of 125% health.
- Each boost may be stacked for even higher health, adding 25% for each. In other words, 1 boost is 125%, 2nd boost added to it is 150%, 3rd boost added will be 175% and adding the 4th boost will give a total of 200% health. Boosts can be stacked up to a total of 250,000 health. Then you must use some in order to collect another boost.
- The 4 boosts reset every 23 hours from the time the first is collected, the same as Energy and Stamina boosts
General Information
- Heal delay timer: delay is currently set at 5 seconds.
- (Update October 2024: lessened timer increments by 5 seconds, and 10 seconds less for over 50k health)
- New Heal Timer increments.
- 10 seconds for under 5k of Health
- 20 seconds for 5-10k of Health
- 30 seconds for 10-20k of Health
- 40 seconds for 20-50k of Health
- 50 seconds for anything over 50k of Health.
- Your account is killed when the health is brought to 0. If not completely down to 0 it has been iced
- You must have at least 20 health to attack someone
- You can be hit if you have 20 health or above, but not if below 19
- You may be punched if your health is 11 or above, but not if it is less.